Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Can You Really Make a Living Out of Music?

If you have a financial stake in the event then promoting it will be high on your list of priorities. You will need people to buy tickets so getting it wrong can be disastrous. To make sure you advertise in the right places you need to consider who your audience are.

Some obvious traditional routes include press advertising. Depending on the type of event you need to be very careful about where you choose to advertise. There are specialist music magazines and newspapers such as the NME that are great if you are trying to capture a national audience. If you are just promoting a local gig then the local paper makes sense. Press advertising can be expensive though so consider if your target audience will respond to this kind of advertising.

Posters and flyers are another great traditional way of promoting events. They are reasonable inexpensive to print but you will need to put the time in distributing them. You could hire a promotions company to do this if you are working on a larger scale. Remember you cannot just put posters up anywhere. It is illegal to fly poster so be careful where you put them. You may decide to mail them out to music shops/recording studios/rehearsal rooms to target music fans or you may decide to target a larger audience.

Another option in 2011 is the internet. There are thousands of music websites and forums where you can post free ads. Some sites charge for advertising but if they receive a high amount of traffic then this might be very worthwhile. Social networking sites also plays a big part in promoting music these days so don't overlook them.

Radio advertising is also much more affordable than you might think. Local radio stations will allow you to promote your event with 30 second ads that they will create for you. If you are working on a larger scale and need to sell several hundred tickets or more this might be a good option.

Whatever you decide to do to promote your event consider your budget! A good mix of all the above should work but it can swallow all your money. You may be limited to a few of the above but don't have too many worries your promotion can still be successful. There is a lot to consider when promoting an event but get it right and you'll be on track for a successful event.

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