Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three Ways To Get Yourself Into A Band - Make The Hookup

Promoting and supporting live music at all different levels is one of the things that I am passionate about. After all, most bands get their start by playing live as this is usually how they are discovered. Making it big in the music business is a dream of many musicians, and some never even get the chance. If you are looking for the next step to take after practicing many long hours to better your own ability, then maybe it's time to join a band. Often times, it is easier than it seems as there are probably several bands in your area right now that are looking for a new musician. With that said, here are three legitimate ways to make that hookup allowing you to get into a band:

Word of Mouth - If you've been playing for any period of time, then you've probably made several appearances at your local music store(s). Ask around in the store, they may even have a bulletin board where bands put up information when they are looking for new members. If you are still in high school or college, these are virtual gold mines for people who either have bands or know someone who does, and a hookup can be made there as well.
Local Media - If you've exhausted all of your contacts, try some of the local media. Check out the classified ads for "musicians wanted." Your local paper is a great place for bands and musicians to advertise that they are seeking out other musicians. If you don't really see what you are looking for, you can also place your own ad saying that you are a musician looking for a band to play in or for other musicians to hook up with. It may seem pretty trivial, but these actually do work and I have a few friends that have made good connections this way.
The Internet - The internet is a powerful tool, and should be used in your quest to find a band to play in. Craigslist, for example, is a great place to start as you can find classified ads of people looking for musicians in not only your local area, but in surrounding areas as well. Another great way to make a connection is to find and become a member of different music forums, especially one geared towards your specific instrument. Most forums have classifieds sections that can help you to find that perfect match.

Getting a hookup and finding your way into a band doesn't have to be that hard. After all, joining a band is the next logical step after spending countless hours on your own practicing to become a better musician. Visit us at http://www.themusicaficionado.com/ for all kinds of music information, reviews, recommendations, and more. Become a supporter and promote live music, get yourself out there, and become a member of that band that you have always dreamed of!

View the original article here

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