Saturday, August 27, 2011

Marketing Your Music Is Key To Your Success In The Music Business

What's So Different About the Music Business?

The music business isn't very different from the retail stores you buy your gear from. The minute you open your mind to this reality... the easier it's going to be for you to market your music more effectively.

So why is that? What is it that keeps your local music store operational for 20 years or more? What are they doing to succeed that you're not? More importantly... how can you start applying some of their success techniques to your music business?

Let's face it. The music business is probably one of the most difficult industry's to find any kind of success in. I mean, you've got to gig and travel and then there's your online presence with social networking and updating your website regularly. So when do you have time to think about marketing?

Therein lies the problem.

Most musicians that I consult with, simply aren't thinking about marketing their music at all. Can you believe it? Do you think the music store in town would survive without some type of marketing system in place? I think not... and if you're thinking that all those packages you sent out to everyone on that list or that bible book you just bought is going to score you some new business... guess again.

The reality is that in order for you to succeed in this business you need to be out in the "real world" building a loyal following of new fans. At the same time, you need to be in touch with your existing fan base on a regular basis to ensure they're happy with you. Yes... happy with you.

The Build It and They Will Come Approach Doesn't Work

If you're like most bands and musicians nowadays, you're assuming that the fans who came out to your gig last week are naturally going to show up to your next gig just because you email blast them. You did get their email address the last time they came out to your show right?

It's unfortunate, but this is the mentality that a lot of bands are walking around with and it's this same apathetic approach to dealing with your fans (customers) that's losing you a ton of money. So why do I say that?

Be a Giver. Your Music Fans Love It When You Share

Well let's look at it like this... let's say that rockin' band you went out to see last week offered you a freebie just because you showed up to see them play. Maybe they gave you a digital card for a few free song downloads or heck, maybe they splurged a little and handed you a free CD when you gave them your email address.

And let's say that a few days after their show, they sent you an email telling you how great they thought you were for showing up to their gig and that as a thank you, they were offering you insiders access to the VIP section of their band website where you could log in and see some of their cool videos they shot as they recorded their last album.

Now if that isn't cool enough... what if they offered you a signed poster and their latest album free, if you came out to their next gig... but this time you brought a friend with you?

Wow! That's customer service. And that's follow up at it's best!

Sure you might lose a little money by giving away some of your music, and the cost of CD's isn't something to scoff at nowadays, but what if that fan thought you were so cool, they brought 3 new fans instead of just the one. What would that mean to your FUTURE sales?

This is how the retail music stores do it. They entice you back to their store with seminars, music clinics, coupons and cool stuff that you're into. They build a long-term relationship with you. This is what you need to start thinking about when you communicate with your fans. This is where the real money comes from. The relationship.

Loyalty Pays The Bills

Loyal fans who love you so much they rave about all the cool stuff you do for them and bring their friends out with them to see you. And when they do... don't drop the ball. Start the process all over again with your new fan and watch your music business grow in some big ways.

When you get these techniques down into a system, you'll be on your way to being a music marketing machine but if this isn't enough for you and you want even more ideas on how you can outshine most of today's indie musicians, head on over to Mass Music Marketing and hear it from over 8 music business experts as they tell it like it is and leave no marketing stones unturned. It's like being a fly on the wall as they reveal their closely guarded secrets on what they, as music industry insiders, think it takes to succeed in today's new music business.

View the original article here

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