Monday, August 29, 2011

Marketing Yourself As an Artist

The music industry is not what it used to be. There are so many artists out there now that it can get a little frustrating trying to stand out as an individual. But all hope is not lost because today there are many different ways to market yourself as an independent artist. Making yourself stand out is important if you want to reach a certain level of success in the music industry. Here are a few tips on how to get out there on your own.

The internet is probably one of the best platforms to start marketing yourself. You can literally reach out to millions of people around the world. Online promotion is one of many great ways to make your presence known worldwide. Your goal as an independent artist is to find different ways to build relationships with people and other artists on a large scale without the help of a major record label. You can do this by joining several social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Use these websites to promote your music, stay in contact with your supporters, build relationships, and much more. The opportunities are endless. Remember to stay patient when first joining these type of sites because things will most likely start off slow. But as long as you stay active, you will eventually start to see changes.

Rap forums and communities such as Soundclick, Reverb Nation, and Real Rap Talk are great for networking and establishing relationships with other artists and even producers. You can also use these forums to generate feedback from other people. Although constructive criticism is not needed for some artists, it can still be helpful in some cases.

Another important thing to remember is DO NOT spam other peoples' pages. Even though it may seem like an easy and quick way to get yourself out there, spamming will get you nowhere. It will actually do more damage to your reputation because a lot people find spam to be very annoying and unprofessional.

Even though the internet is a great tool for marketing yourself, don't use it as the only way to promote your music. If you live in a city that has a good local scene, then you should try to get involved with it much as you can. Attend concerts/performances, album release parties, and other social gatherings as often as possible so that you can network with others. While attending these events always have professional looking CDs, fliers, and/or business cards in hand. You never know who you will run into at these types of events. Getting involved in community service is another great way to build up your reputation. But don't just do it for the sole purpose of getting your music out. Do it because you actually care. Giving back should be a very important part of any artists' career.

I hope that I was able to help you see a few ways to get things going on your own. These are just some of the ways that you can market your own music. Always take the time out to find more ways and new strategies to promote yourself. You should never get too comfortable. I wish you the best of luck in your music career and all your future endeavors.

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