Saturday, August 27, 2011

You Could Make More Money Writing and Playing Commercial Jingles

Indeed, I must say I applaud all the garage startup bands of all the teenagers across this great nation who'd like to break into the music industry. As an entrepreneur it makes me smile, as I see they are serious, and they all have big dreams of becoming big-name musicians or rock stars. It is that energy, and way of thinking that makes America great.

Of course just like every little league baseball player will not grow up to be a major league baseball player, some of them will. Statistically yes, the odds are stacked against them, but you can't tell that to a group of teenagers who are pursuing their dream, and we all know you have to believe to achieve. Still, many of these young guitarists, drummers, and vocalists don't realize that they could actually make more money, and have a much better chance for success writing, playing, and producing commercial jingles for corporations.

In fact, the way it stands now with all the small businesses operating online, and all the multimedia content online, every business, big and small needs a commercial jingle to go along with their marketing and branding. They all need professionally done YouTube videos to put onto their website because we live in the information age and people wish to be entertained, and the businesses which can deliver that, will be pleased to see the consumers and customers responding with purchases - especially this new generation.

Interestingly enough, I was at Starbucks last year and I talked to a couple of teenagers who were sitting outside with their guitars and they had a small band, and I told them that they should write commercial jingles and go selling business to business offering to record something trendy and cool for each company owner. I later saw them a few weeks ago, well, at least two of the members of that band, and I guess there'd been some changeover so there were new people involved now, but those two thanked me for the advice, and had actually made a few thousand dollars writing jingles for local companies in our area.

Now then, with that money they were able to buy better equipment, recording studio time, and some electronics; synthesizing equipment to help with their future music projects. Okay so, they are still working on cutting a second CD and signing with a second level music label, and I'm sure that day will come because these kids are serious.

However, they also know they need to make money in the meantime, and they know there are lots of companies that need commercial jingles, until they can totally break into the big time and/or can perhaps sell a commercial jingle to a major corporation for some real money. Indeed, it is my sincere hope you will please consider all this and think on it. Don't ever give up on your dream, but consider other ways to make money while chasing it. Please think on this.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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