Saturday, August 27, 2011

Want to Record Better Music - Wear a Magnet On Your Head

The other day, I was talking to a musician down at the local Starbucks, and he said that he had signed with a "B" rated music label, and he would be producing his first CD and he would go into the recording studio within a few weeks. I asked if he was nervous, and he said a little bit, but he was using a trick that he learned from a friend of his. Apparently there have been research studies from major neurologists at a top university that when the skull is in a magnetic fields the blood in the brain flows better.

He explained it to me this way; the magnetic field helps align the molecules allowing the blood to flow faster, which simulates a blood thinning event. Therefore you get better blood flow when your head is in a magnetic field, and it temporarily gives you clearer thinking than you'd normally expect. I asked him if he thought it worked or if he'd tried it yet. Indeed he told me he had, but he only noted a slight difference, but he didn't feel lightheaded or anything like that.

He did admit that he was able to give perfect timing while recording with the magnet which he was wearing underneath the headset. As the coordinator for a think tank which happens to operate online this does not surprise me, but it is interesting nevertheless for those in the music industry who want to get a slight boost in brain capacity during recordings. Apparently this trick works, and if you'd ever tried it in the past now you know why.

There was a recent research paper online which mentioned the potential use for magnetic fields in one of the neurology journals, suggesting that it had potential benefits for stroke victims or those with major blood clots and heart/blood flow challenges. Who knows maybe musicians and the music industry can learn something from academic medical researchers after all, and those musicians will be able to perform better without using illegal drugs to do it?

Do I personally recommend using this method when recording? I'm not sure I would take the risk, because I don't know enough about it, but it appears to me that if you were to check with a researcher or neurologist they might explain the process a little better to you, and that you could make up your own mind based on the information they give. The only reason I mentioned it in this article is because I thought it was fascinating, and it is something I'd never heard before. Indeed I hope you will please consider this, research it on your own, and come to your own conclusion.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,500 articles by mid-day on June 23, 2011 is going to be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off..

View the original article here

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